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Good morning and thank you for this edition in particular! This entire concept of relegating final decision-making to ANY AI-based system is utterly abhorrent to me. I was a tactical operations officer in the US Air Force, in a system where – to put it mildly – those heading ops on any given day would be the first to know we were all going to die. It was our responsibility to inform our superiors that if they were going to wake the president, it better be right. I was the ops officer on duty one night when the computer for the entire missile warning system “broke”. It was human awareness and intervention that precluded any further damage. Yes, our hardware and software have become substantially more sophisticated and robust over the years, but not to the point where we cede authority and ultimate control. And before anyone labels me a luddite, I've been originating and leading technology investment in raw startups for nearly 40 years.

Keep up the great work!

Wayne Embree

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